如何创造一个负担得起的 & 有效的营销计划

Many small and medium-sized companies have great products and services, but struggle with marketing. 有这么多的广告选择, 平台, and new technologies available that many business owners don’t know 在哪里 to start. 

然而, 没有一个坚实的计划, your business will face higher marketing costs and less effective results. Creating a comprehensive strategy that incorporates the right mix of marketing tools can boost your sales and help you achieve growth with less expense.

Here are some suggestions and ideas on how to market your business more effectively and affordably.


To get the best results from your marketing efforts and investments, you need to ensure that you understand exactly 谁 your target audience is. 

你们有卖给新妈妈的产品吗? 向其他小企业主提供商品? 为当地房主提供服务? Ask yourself what kind of customer(s) would benefit the most from what you have to offer, 为什么他们应该从你而不是你的竞争对手那里购买.

Knowing your target market and their needs is vital to spending marketing dollars wisely, 因为这些信息不仅能帮助你了解 目标,但是 在哪里 集中精力和沟通. 一旦你知道是谁, 您可以识别特征和行为, 比如年龄, 位置, 首选项, 最佳媒体渠道, 以及你可以帮助他们解决的问题. 

以这种方式, you can achieve more effective results with less money and create messages that demonstrate how your service or product fits their needs and solves their problems.

To market your business affordably, start with digital opportunities

在11月, Australia’s National Retail Association (NRA) shared a 2023 digital marketing report based on a survey of 700 businesses, which found that only 11% of small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are fully embracing digital strategies. 

This finding is highly surprising given the low cost of many available digital marketing choices – but it also means that you have an opportunity to take advantage of these options and potentially gain an edge over your competition. Here are four digital marketing areas 在哪里 a little planning and strategy can help you use your budget more effectively, 为其他地方的促销活动省钱.

  1. 社交媒体

在上面提到的NRA报告中, surveyors found that only 25% of SMEs proactively engage on social media 平台. This is a missed opportunity to connect with a broader audience at a very low cost.

Determine the channels that are most applicable to your target market. 你的客户最有可能使用LinkedIn吗? Instagram? 脸谱网? 下一个, create a posting calendar for several months that includes interesting, 真实的帖子(不只是销售导向的材料). 员工的故事, 公告, answers to common customer questions and tips on how to use your products are good places to start.

  1. 网站

根据全国步枪协会的报告, 85% of Australian SMEs display their service offerings on their websites, 这很好, but only 36% of Australian small businesses use search engine optimisation SEO efficiently, 只有13%的人提供推荐书或任何形式的社会证明, 错过了与潜在客户建立信任的机会. Posting positive customer feedback and reviews (see more on this below) and ensuring your site maximises SEO are both excellent ways to improve your site and your web traffic. 

如果你没有网站? There are numerous 平台 available that can help you build a DIY website – including an e-commerce site – quickly and relatively easily, 比如Squarespace, 威布利和威克斯.

  1. 电子邮件营销

如果你还没有电子邮件营销计划, you can start by asking your customers to sign up and make it easy for website prospects to join your list. Incentives for signing up – such as coupons or access to special offers – can really help jumpstart your list-building. 一旦就位, using your list to send timely information and sales offers can drive audience engagement and boost sales – just don’t send emails so often that your recipients get overwhelmed!

如果你没有电子邮件营销客户端可以使用, 有很多低成本的, 可以帮助列表管理和模板的在线平台, 比如MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, Klaviyo发送方, 和MailerLite.

  1. 建议及检讨

Here’s a great way to let your customers help you with your marketing! Recommendations and reviews by customers can help add a powerful element of your efforts, so ask satisfied customers to review your business online or on social media – getting reviews on your Google page should be your priority. Asking for feedback from customers through a simple survey can also help you understand 在哪里 your business might benefit from changes or improvements.

With a sound plan and the effective use of digital marketing options, 你的企业可以发展一个负担得起的, 更有效的营销策略. 对于这些方面的帮助, 澳门赌场官网 你的财务顾问.

克里斯的整个职业生涯都在阿克鲁·哈里斯果园度过. 1981年加入后, 他离开去学习了, and to gain experience 工作ing overseas – and then returned to the firm he feels so much a part of.
建立一个成功的公司? 想把你的业务国际化? 更好地管理你的现金流? 买房? 还是需要审计?
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